In life we have many ups and downs. Why do we feel moments of happiness and other times moments of sadness or anger? What can we do to always have this feeling of completeness no matter the situation? In this episode Vivekji talks about how our sense of individuality (jiva) leads to attachment or incompleteness and how this cycle continues because of our relationship with the multiverse (jagat) and creator (Ishwara).
In life we have many ups and downs. Why do we feel moments of happiness and other times moments of sadness or anger? What can we do to always have this feeling of completeness no matter the situation? In this episode Vivekji talks about how our sense of individuality (jiva) leads to attachment or incompleteness and how this cycle continues because of our relationship with the multiverse (jagat) and creator (Ishwara).
On this season of Live Vedanta, entitled Stairway to Serenity, we'll be exploring 100 words at the heart of our self-development. The more we understand these words, the more we can live by them. Want to catch up? Start from the beginning or listen to the last episode.
For those on the journey of self-development, Chinmaya Mission Niagara provides a community forum to listen, reflect, and contemplate. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more updates about upcoming live workshops, courses, and more!
Chinmaya Mission is an international non-profit organization working to transform individuals through the knowledge of Vedanta. Live Vedanta is produced by Nina Bhattacharya, Deepal Shanmugam, and Sudarshan Atmavilas.